A83: TI83bas Questions.....


A83: TI83bas Questions.....

Ok, we all know that this program, TI83BAS is a wonderful program (I havn't
had a real go at it but anyway). But I feel that all questions relating to
this software should be made directly to the author of the program, to keep
this list 100% ASM. Too muck of this basic crap could lead to large shonky
programs, made by people who have no idea of what regesters are and what
they can do.
Let's quit the bull shit and do some serious, non pansy programming,  That's
what TI-BASIC is all about.
                        ( o o )
/  Steven Conway                         \
[                                                        ]
[   Conway@ssc.net.au                 ]
[  (   )                                                ]
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