Re: A83: TI8xBas
Re: A83: TI8xBas
>> >I posted one message here before regarding TI8xBAS, but didn't get much
>> >response -- I'm curious as to whether or not there is any interest in a
>> >piece of software like this, or if I'm wasting my time here :) Let me
>> >know.
>> I'm personally opposed to programs like these. I think that if people
>> want to make programs for ASM then they should learn the language. If
>> they never get around to learning ASM then they're probably not
>> interested enough to learn it. Also, these kinds of programs often get
>> undesired results and they don't allow the programmer to fully explore
>> all the possibilities of ASM.
>I understand where you're coming from -- but I see it differently. Pure
>ASM obviously has its advantages, but a higher level language has
>advantages too. If you want to make something that doesn't need to be
>extremely optimized, but don't want to spend lots of time doing it, you
>could probably make it in a fraction of the time with a high level
>compiler. And what is the problem with someone who doesn't know ASM
>developing ASM programs for the calculator? It sounds like the same
>jelousy I hear from C++ programmers talking about QuickBasic and Visual
>Basic programmers -- they feel that if anyone is going to make a proggy
>on the PC, they should use a "real man's" language -- But if I can make
>the same thing in half the time in a simpler language, and don't mind
>the drawbacks, then what's the problem there .. ? Lastly, it could help
>people learn in steps -- instead of starting right out writing ASM code,
>why not learn a simpler language first, understand some of the basics
>first, and then move on .. ?
>Do you see no value in high level compilers on the PC .. ? Should
>Pascal, C++, Visual Basic, Delphi, and all the others be tossed out the
>window because everyone should be required to know and use ASM?
It's ok for some simple things but people will become dependent on these
types of compilers. Then everyone will be using these compilers and not
learning ASM. People should learn the language and not rely on programs.
A similar situation is AOL. A lot of people on their service shouldn't
be on the net. These types of people are the teenage wannabe hackers who
think they're hacking by using macros, their sorry excuse for a technical
help staff and all of the sickos who trade porn and the like. You know
how many trash programs have been made for TI-BASIC? Would you want
these on ASM? I sure wouldn't.