A83: Character Map (long)
A83: Character Map (long)
Here's the one I made up a while back. The multinational section isn't
done (I'll add it later on my website), but this should help:
TI-83 Character Map
Dec Char
0 þ
1 n (italic)
2 u (sequence)
3 v (sequence)
4 w (sequence)
6 (thick up arrow)
7 (thick down arrow)
8 Ÿ
9 x
10 (stat box)
11 (stat cross)
12 (stat dot)
13 (little T)
14 (cube root 3)
15 (bold F)
16 û
17 (^-1)
18 ý
19 (angle)
20 ø
21 (superscript r)
22 (superscript T)
23 ó
24 (not equal to)
25 ò
26 (negative)
27 (Sci E)
28 (sto)
29 (little 10)
30 (up arrow)
31 (down arrow)
32 (space)
33 !
34 "
35 #
36 (^4)
37 %
38 &
39 '
40 (
41 )
42 *
43 +
44 ,
45 -
46 .
47 /
48-57 0-9
58 :
59 ;
60 <
61 =
62 >
63 ?
64 @
65-90 A-Z
91 é
92 \
93 ]
94 ^
95 _
96 `
97-122 a-z
123 {
124 |
125 }
126 ~
127 (inverse =)
128-137 (little 0-9)
138-181 (multinational)
182 (accent ')
183 (accent `)
184 (umlaut)
185 ¨
187 (alpha)
188 á
189 (gamma)
180 (Delta)
191 ë
192 î
193 [
194 (lambda)
195 æ
196 ã
197 (rho)
198 ä
199 å
200 ç
201 í
202 ê
203 (x w/overline)
204 (y w/overline)
205 (^x)
206 (...)
208 þ
209 /
210 (little -)
211 (raised 2)
212 (raised stat box)
213 (cubed)
214 (new line in prg)
215 (imaginary)
216 (P w/^)
217 (wavy X)
218 (odd F)
219 (e constant)
220 (little L)
221 (bold N)
222 ))
223 (diamond)
224 (cursor)
225 (2nd cursor)
226 ("A" cursor)
227 ("a" cursor)
228 (ins cursor)
229 (ins 2nd cursor)
230 (ins "A" cursor)
231 (ins "a" cursor)
232 (connected)
233 (thick)
234 (shade above)
235 (shade below)
236 (trace w/line)
237 (trace)
238 (dotted)
239 (thick up arrow)
240 (thick down arrow)
241 ±
242-255 þ
Chris Roddy - tapeworm7337@juno.com / chris.roddy@mustang.com
<FC>v1.2 s=r=d TW 0/0/FD 0.5- 0 WYWH 6 25</FC> 28% 11/11/97