Re: A83: Re: HL


Re: A83: Re: HL

At 09:36 AM 12/29/97 -0600, robert m. gardner wrote:
>> If that doesnt work try this...
>> ld hl,8300h
>> ld a,(hl)
>> ld e,a
>> inc hl
>> ld a,(hl)
>> ld d,a
>> ex de, hl
>> ld a,(hl)
>Shouldn't d and e be switched?  I can't remember if d is the low bit or 
>the highbit.

No, this is fine.  Memory is LSB first, registers are MSB first.  And by
the way, ld e,(hl) and ld d,(hl) ARE legal instructions.  (i.e. ld a,(hl) /
ld d,a can become ld d,(hl)).

Brian Leech
ICQ UIN: 1355611
