A83: Pop-up Dialog Boxes


A83: Pop-up Dialog Boxes

Anybody know how to implement a pop-up dialog box?  I guess it would 
involve clearing a section of the screen, then redrawing that section 
with the box.  After the user has dismissed the box, then the old 
section has to come up again.  Any ideas?  Maybe drawing directly to 
screen instead of graphbuf and then redrawing graphbuf when we're 
done with the pop-up box.  But how can you clear just a section of 
the screen?

By the way, another question:
can you execute multiple commands after a cp?  For example, say that 
you wanted to know whether the user hit "1"  After you do the direct 
input, you get:

cp kOne
-can you put something here that will only execute if the user hit 
one, say ld a,1?
jp z,one

If anybody knows, please let me know w/ specifics

One other side note:  can you do conditionals?  For example, can you 
do greater than/greater than or equal to/less than/less than or equal 
to?  Thanx.

Jonathan Wang

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