Re: A83: ASM Routines (C8:*


Re: A83: ASM Routines (C8:*

In a message dated 97-12-17 09:43:24 EST, you write:

> I actually have tried to learn similar things, here is what I gather.
>  On Wed, 17 Dec 1997, Dimitri Hammond wrote:
>  > 
>  > Hey, I'm gonna need the following ASM routines for some up-coming prg's. 
>  > If ANYONE can help, then please do!
>  > 
>  > -=*8-> Routine for real, pxl-by-pxl text scrolling (I have some ideas, 
>  > but I need some outside siggestions)
IF you mean text scrolling up and down you can use the ROM_CALL <find it in
the asm docs at ti's site.) Side to side can be accomplished with NASRWARP or
something and you just do rrc d, rre or something like that. Ask me if you
want more specific
>  > 
>  > -=*8-> Routine that takes the slope of a ball (its path) and the slop of 
>  > the surface that it's hitting (ANY angle!) and make it bounce.  
>  > Basically, a routine for a ball bouncing off of an ANY-angled surface.  
>  > Hmm, I wish I could word that better, oh well, it's late.
>  > 
>  This is fun too, I think the best one for this is to use a pixel test to 
>  find out if you are hitting a wall, then use the ball's  coordinates to 
>  find out what type of wall it is, then it is just algebra.  
Umm. . . Well nevermind. I guess it is possible to do algebra on the 83, but
it is kinda hard on the 82. But what you would have to do is calcualate the
slope of the wall,  calculate the angle of the ball compared to the slope of
the wall, and make the ball rebound at the same angle away from the wall. It
is hard to explain, but easy to do.
>  > -=*8-> Umm, It'll come to me...  Shux, I forgot (did I ever have one?) 
>  > the other/3rd one.  oh well, just those prev. two would be GREAT!
>  > 
>  > Thanx in advance  (TIA).
>  > 
>  > 		-Dimitri
>  > 
BY THE WAY, HOW DO YOU PUT A PIXEL IN C++ 32bit for win???
>  |-----------------------------------------------------------|
>  |Robert M. Gardner          | Turbo C++ Programmer          |
>  |     | HTML Web page writer          |
>  |Parkland Cross Country     | Knows Unix, Dos, and Windows  | 
>  |-----------------------------------------------------------|