Re: A83: PPP for 83/82
Re: A83: PPP for 83/82
Dear Grant,
I was interested by your mailing about PPP on the ti-83. I have tried (but
failed!) to access the link port on the 83 - whatever I do just seems to
crash the calculator. Is the BPORT value really 0 as specified in ti's
header files? And can I ask how you implemented the modem driver? I was
trying to make a similar program but never actually got anywhere.
Thanks for all your help,
At 04:10 PM 12/4/97 -0700, you wrote:
>It is a long sighted project, but it might happen.
>Here is what I've got so far.
>* Modem Driver
>* support for PPP
>Here is what I need to add.
>*TCP/IP stack
>*small httpd type server.
>I will have a web page up (finally!) by next week. There you will be able
>to find info on it.
>When it is finished, it will have a stupid 212 byte www page that says "The
>first TI83 to host a www page!" thats it.
>BTW: The BNC idea would work with an AVR (maybe) doing the hard work.
>We'll see!
>Travis might help me, or it might end up like the TI-Network in never never
| Martyn Whitwell |
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| ICQ:2164601 Undernet:Martyn |