[A82] Re: writeback?


[A82] Re: writeback?

> Uhmm, so it moves the all the data within the variable (including
> sizebytes?) to $9104, but it doesn't update the filepointers so the TIOS
> doesn't know about it? Rigel and Venus do update the pointers, that's why
> they are handy in a programcrash (TIOS doesn't come down too).

Because of the way the shells are started on the TI 82 the memory is used
slightly different on the TI82 and the TI85 while the shell is running. One
difference is that the TIOS has alloacted all available memory for the
buffer used for user input. Besides that some system data is setup to handle
the command currently being executed. So when moving the var in mem you need
to take very good care if you want the result to be compatible with what the
TIOS does. The functions needed to make the relocation VAT compatible (so
you can update the pointers) have been found and tested, but for some reason
it doesn't always work. Making the relocation VAT compatible would be nice,
but it has to work everytime.

