[A82] Re: TI82 ROM Version 19.006


[A82] Re: TI82 ROM Version 19.006

At 10:51 PM 7/1/01 +0200, you wrote:
>answered, but I never go around to sending them anything. The interest in
>TI82s seems to have droped quite a bit since then, but should some people be
>interested, that might still be possible, but there is still he problem of
>cleaning up the Ash files.

Well, I don't think the interest dropping has anything to do with the
people here.  What happened is that people are being told to buy a 83 or 86
and they do so.  I still have my TI-82 and use it quite frequently.  Right
as soon as I finish my current project I'll finish the projects that have
been on hold for several years.  We'll see how my Z80 skills have held
up...I've been brushing up on Intel x86 ASM recently, so it shouldn't be
too hard to get back in the groove.

BTW, I've discovered that people really never have time to do anything
unless you *make* time to do whatever the task is that needs to be done.
Sure a job takes 8 hours out of your day, but the remaining 6 hours (10
hours to sleep...whatever, we're programmers, so more like 4 hours of
sleep, 12 hours remaining ;) are yours to use.

           Thomas J. Hruska -- shinelight@crosswinds.net
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"

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