Re: A82: FP Math


Re: A82: FP Math

On Mon, 1 Jan 2001, D Weiss wrote:

> How do you do floating point math on the TI82?

I would guess it is the same as other z80 calculators, where you would
normally load the values into the OP registers in memory, and then use
various ROM functions to compute with them.

The addresses of various ROM routines to do this are in the file
82-ROM.TXT.  However, there are some differences in ROM versions, so note
the following (copied from the manual of Ash):

Another problem is that some functions are placed in different location in
the different rom versions. To make it easy for the programmer Ash
includes a functions which takes care of this for you, you can use it by
calling the function using the macro ROM_CALL. The functions is made so
that it supports all functions in the rom placed from 2EA0 to 39EC (this
is where most of the useful functions are placed). Just call the function
(using ROM_CALL), with the adress in rom version 18 or the adresse in rom
version 19 minus 1Ah.  Some of the functions in the begining of the rom
are placed in the same locations in all rom versions, you can call these
directly by using call.

This unfortunately no longer holds true for the new ROM version 19.006;
you can get a list of its calls from this address:

Of course, since there are no working "shells" for that ROM yet, it may
not be too useful.
