A82: help with porting GBDK [82/83(+)/85/86]
A82: help with porting GBDK [82/83(+)/85/86]
Okay, thanks for those who made a choise which compiler we should use
I made that discission now, the GBDK-compiler, and I hope I can get some
other people on the job too. The Ti-83 will be my part, but any help is
welcome... For the other calcs (82/83+/85/86) I'll need some other people
to help.
You can download the compiler at http://gbdk.sourceforge.net/
mail me, HPoley@DDS.nl, or Louis Kovach, lousdesk@iccontrolsinc.com, to get
informed about the porting.
If you really want to know, I've got ICQ too, just search around a bit and
you will find me.
Henk Poley