A82: Re: display port vs. graph_mem
A82: Re: display port vs. graph_mem
What's the purpose of the delay routine? Does the display port just need
some time to function? I know this is TI's routine:
push af
inc hl
dec hl
pop af
What's a better one?
>The only way to access the display is by using the ports to write each of
>the bytes to display, so using the display controller directly should be
>faster. The CR_GRBCopy is very optimized, so to increse speed by writing
>directly to the port you need to use optimized routines too.
>The advantage of using CR_GRBCopy is that one can use block copy to output
>the bitmap to the LCD, which combined with writing column by column speeds
>up the process.
>If trying to use the display controller directly remember the following:
>- - Do not use the TI delay, it is way to long
>- - Use block copy to write sprites etc
>- - For most sprites write column by column
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