A82: Re: Blockbuster :( or :) depending...


A82: Re: Blockbuster :( or :) depending...

I had a look at the source and did various optimizations, which cut down the
program by 16 bytes. I used the latest version of the source, and optimized
the routine which handles keys, and did some minor opt. when the sprites are
drawn. If any one is interested i'll mail the soure to them.

----- Original Message -----
From: Sam Heald <evil_sam@hotmail.com>
To: <assembly-82@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: 17. november 1999 04:10
Subject: A82: Blockbuster :( or :) depending...

>   I looked at the latest .txt file from the game. It appears my
> "optimization" led to a bug a some sort. If I had looked at the source
> a little closer, it would have been obvious that clearing the graphmem was
> not as optional as I implied. Oh well.
>   To make up for the mishap, I looked at the source again this afternoon
> did a bit of optimizing. The ASH version is down to 1566 bytes (103 bytes
> lower than before) with no shell specific optimizations (meaning that the
> CrASH version will also reduce by 103b), It probably can be reduced
> but I only had time to look through it once. Hope this helps...
>    Sam
> Note to Doug:
>    Delete the ;SAM 's from the source code, I put them in so that you
> be able to see what changes I made, but when I finished there were so many
> of them that they became utterly pointless.
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