A82: Re: Blockbuster v4.0
A82: Re: Blockbuster v4.0
Hi! Thanks for your input on Blockbuster! Sam, with the new title picture
routine, I've trimmed the size down to 1701 K! Thanks! Kouri, for some
reason, the code you gave doesn't work properly. It sure seems like it
should work (I'd actually tried optimizing the same section of the game
myself using a similar routine, but gave up and used the old one because it
just didn't seem to work any other way!) It turns the contrast up quite a
bit, screws up just a few of the sprites, and really messes up the game.
Anyone know what's going on? Here's the code-
ld a,(hl)
ld b,8
push af
pop af
push af
jr c,DrawBlock
ld a,d
add a,8
ld d,a
jr DrawRowLoop
push bc
push hl
ld hl,Block
call ZoomSprite
pop hl
pop bc
djnz DrawRowLoop
pop af
inc hl
ld d,b
inc e
ld a,e
cp 12
jr nz,DrawRowOfBlocks
Thanks again!
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