Re: A82: Re: Southern Hemisphere (was: Ilya?)
Re: A82: Re: Southern Hemisphere (was: Ilya?)
> I think it depends on the subject and what the lecturer has decided. For
> example, in Electrical Systems Engineering, we're allowed to use _any_
> calculator at all, as long as it doesn't have programs or information on it
> related to the subject. A friend of mine was thinking of getting a powerful
> calc like the 89 for useful stuff like complex matrices and overall cool
> maths ability. But then he thought, well the new HP coming out soon has
> like lots of Elec. Eng. stuff and Digital Logic things built-in, so it might
> pass those requirements... but I dunno.
I was thinking of getting an 89 too, about three months ago. Now that
they're finally here, though, with a price tag of about $350, I think I'll
give it a miss. Besides, we're expected to use Matlab to solve anything
particularly complicated.
> And is it just me, or does it seem a little unfair that places like America
> can have like 89s on their college exams, whereas here VBOS lumps us with
> 83s? (though I must say, the 83s were very useful for the methods and
> specialist exams)
Ehhh, if they're allowing students to use such calcs on exams, I think it
says something negative about the depth or thoroughness of their teaching
methods. A calc should _never_ be needed in a demonstration of one's
mathematical understanding.