Re: A82: TAZM...(***VITAL***)
Re: A82: TAZM...(***VITAL***)
At 11:50 PM 5/31/99 -0700, you wrote:
>I think it's a good idea. People who don't want to convert their source
will just have to use TASM 3.x. People writing new programs can use TAZM.
It's not too hard to have both on one computer.
How true. The thought was in the back of my mind and I never got around to
adding that bit of info. :) The most difficult part will be to remember to
use square brackets instead of paranthesis around references to addresses.
In the long run, though, people will find the square bracket stuff valuable.
As a side note, I also messed up on the following code (it works, but I
really didn't need to do the whole opcode thing):
>> ld bc,(12*(3 + 1)) becomes:
>> push af
>> push hl
>> push de
>> ld bc,(3 + 1)
>> ld d,12 - 1
>> ld h,b
>> ld l,c
>> add hl,bc
>> dec d
>> jr nz,Label
>> ex de,hl
>> ld hl,Label2
>> ld (hl),e
>> inc hl
>> ld (hl),d
>> .db $opcodeForLDBC,(XXXX)
>> .db $00, $00
ld c,(hl)
inc hl
ld b,(hl)
>> pop de
>> pop hl
>> pop af
>> (I know that this can be optimized...I'm just making my point).
That saved a ton of clock cycles :) Also messed up here:
>> b) Register math!!! I can't count how many times I've just wanted to
>> ld a, (a+b+c) << 2 (in IDEAL mode) and had to type:
>> ld a,a \ add a,b \ add a,c \ add a,a instead.
I forgot to add one more " \ add a,a"...oh well. So much for the "perfect
e-mail" :)
Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"