Re: A82: Re: Link Port
Re: A82: Re: Link Port
>What about using the build in ones ? They should be listed in 82rom,
>only problem is that they might call the the error handler. Handling
>is however really easy (if you have fpt-?.asm from the Ash 3.1 beta it
is in
>there). This should work just as well as when linking using the TIOS,
>take up less space. I do however not know if they are fast enough for
Do the ROM_CALL link routines work 82->85,86,89,92? Doubtful. The
poster said something about 82 & 85 routines.
Can anyone else confirm that the Ztetris link routines don't work
with low batteries? I haven't had the problem.
Also, when the batteries are low, does the calculator's interrupt
speed gets slowed/quickened?
That would be the only reason that I can think of for the link
routines to not work(too fast/too slow to transmit data correctly). If
that's the problem, then the poster(can't remember name) should try
setting the calc interrupt speed slightly higher before sending
data(then resetting after data recieved/sent), that way when it slows
down due to low batteries, the routines will still work?
Before sending data in Ztetris v1.3, I set the speed to %00000010.
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