Re: A82: A few Questions about 83->82 ASM
Re: A82: A few Questions about 83->82 ASM
In a message dated 01/01/99 4:10:54 PM, writes:
>82 Equivalents of 83 call's
>_setxxxxop2 is ROM_CALL($359A) (hl->op2)
>_op2toop1 is ROM_CALL($19F5)
>_dispop1A is
>dispop1a: (display op1 @ current graphics position)
> ROM_CALL($2E46) (rets automatically)
> .dw $6CA4
> .db $04
>To use: set graphics position, what you want to display in op1, the call
>(You need OP operations I got all the 82 equivalents of the 83 written
>down, just email me)
Hey Ilya, that was great, thanks! =) Can you make an Include file of 83
commands? and put in certain Macros like you did for _dispop1a:
"ROM_CALL($2E46) .dw $6CA4 .db $04" ? That would be very helpful, instead of
me emailing you for specific ones I need from time to time, but so I can use
anything from the Include File, and anyone else can use it as well... =)
--Jason K.