Re: A82: Re: A few Questions about 83->82 ASM


Re: A82: Re: A few Questions about 83->82 ASM

So, I am suppose to use ROM_CALL(D_HL_DECI) to display the contents of HL in
_Small Font_ is that right?  And if I wanted to display the value of A at
(GRAF_CURS), I would load A to L, '0' to H, but then why '1' to B? Is B the
input for the length of the string or something like that?

And another thing, the 82 include files define the OPX registers (locations),
but are there no OP Operations...? =P  Are they just undocumented, because the
OS certainly must use them, or _something_ for its normal usage in
calculations.  Without the OP commands, how are Floating Point Operations
accomplished currently...?

															--Jason K.