A82: Zelda
A82: Zelda
Since the list is dead, I'll share what's going on with Zelda. Right
now, I putting the game through a major graphical overhaul which is
about 30% done.
Current stats:
7 enemies
73 background tiles
2 sets of link animations (with and without shield, aka shield
movement is animated)
1 dungeon
3 special items (shield, boomerang, and ???)
Things added since public release:
Tons of sprites
A new enemy or two
Absolute enemy placement
Once the overhaul is done, Derrick is going to start work on the
maps. As this moves along, memory restrictions are becoming more and
more apparent. It looks like Zelda will be divided into 4 24K parts, as
the maps and sprites literally take up 3/5 of the game size. The parts
will be released simultaneously, though.
Other news, Harper Maddox has sort of rejoined the Zelda team. He
doesn't have time to do any coding, but he will be giving significant
input and insight as well as taking the role of a graphics man. His
designs for things like the trees and houses, make my checker-board
greyscale substitute designs look like mediocre at best.
More as it develops...
This list isn't really dead, Bryan just does a really awesome
job post-moderating :)
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