A82: Re: Ash undetectable programs
A82: Re: Ash undetectable programs
At 12:52 AM 2/1/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Just change the header. Ash only recognizes programs starting with D900XX
>where XX is the version number, so just change these bytes to something
>else. One way of doing it is just top use DEBUG in dos, and then run
>fix.com, which is what I would do. Another solution would be to download
>Hruskas program from ticalc, it should be able to insert a user defined
The program that I made is called the 'Custom 82P File Designer.' One of
the reasons I made the program was for the purpose of creating external
levels...similar to what you want. You can also do what Dines suggests,
except you might want to try some other hex editor besides DEBUG.
Thomas J. Hruska -- thruska@tir.com
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"