Re: A82: Random routine
Re: A82: Random routine
Two things:
- Do the assembly shells reset r to some value before running each
program? If not then how would you know that the value would always be the
same for each run of the program?
- Why would you reset the cards to some common state each time you run the
program? Why not use the array as it was in the last program run? The
extra 20 bytes of memory it would take up could not be much
more than the memory needed to hold the "array-reset" routine.
btw, I don't think that not using a routine because somebody with an
emulator could save the exact state of the machine just after r is read
and keep rerunning the program from that state is a particularly valid
> If you just recieve data from register "r" then each time you run the
> program you will be in the same state and play the same game each time. Im
> sure that the sequences generated in each individual game will be unique for
> the first time you play it. If you do not believe me then try running both
> routines against each other on an emulator where you begin at a saved state.
> -harper