Re: [A82: monster ai]
Re: [A82: monster ai]
Am I understanding this right?
The minimum x-coordinate is 0 and the maximum x-coordinate is 96?
You're keeping the current screen's (what you see now) data in screen 1 and the next screen's (what you see when you
scroll right) data in screen 2?
So when the player's x-coordinate is greater than 96, the data from screen 1 is lost when screen 2 is loaded into screen
1, and then screen 2 is loaded with more level data from your program?
So monsters that follow you into the next screen will have to have an x-coordinate of at least 96 or else they will be
"ditched" when you load screen 1 with screen 2 and screen 2 with the next screen of data?
Sorry if this is unclear or just totally wrong.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Roger Levy" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 1999 3:03 PM
Subject: Re: [A82: monster ai]
ok, if for instance i have scrolled one screen length - 1 (94) to the right,
then we would be almost completely in screen 2, and screen 1 is to the left,
off-screen however. any monster that follows me into this screen will have
an x coord of >= 96. if i scroll one pixel more, i will be back at screen 1
because the next room is loaded to screen 2, and so should the monsters be
at screen 1 too. so im right i think, that i have to subtract 96 from all
monsters when this happens...
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