Re: [A82: monster ai]
Re: [A82: monster ai]
thats awesome, thx a lot - heres one thing i thought of tho
the following might make sense to only those whove played metroid
theres another problem, which is with the way the engine will do maps. in
the game there are 2 screens which hold the tile data for 2 rooms, and any
monsters here will be moving. if the player goes to the right (meaning hes
crossed a whole screen to the right (96 pixels)), everything is shifted a
whole screen left and a new room is loaded (unpacked) to screen #2 (#1 and
#2 are side by side) the monster's x counter (or y counter if we're in
vertical mode) is a byte, but what if I want it to be able to follow the
player as he runs to the right if it happens to be going to the right (or is
chasing the player)? with all that said, my question is, all I have to do is
subtract all the monsters that are on the screen's x positions by 96, and
any that become negative would be forgotten? what if we are moving to the
left? add 96, and any over 96*2 are gone?
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