Re: A82: Return from interupt
Re: A82: Return from interupt
Thank you very much
I had also noticed about the port 03 but I saw in the port82.txt that bits 2-0
where unknown which let me think it couldn't be that !
On Fri, 6 Aug 1999, Jeremy Wazny wrote:
> I encountered the same problem with the greyscale interrupt. When I looked
> at the code around $0038 (as far as I can remember) I noticed port 3 was
> being written to for some reason. I can't recall at the moment why, but
> the following code seems to work well enough if you plan to exit with an
> ei /reti combo:
> xor a ;Not sure about this value, but seems to work
> out ($3),a ;also unsure about why the first out is necessary
> ld a,%00000010
> out ($3),a
> ex af,af'
> exx
> ei ;enable ints
> reti
> I'm not sure why the first out is necessary, but the calc would crash
> without it. I'm pretty sure Dines' 82port document says something about
> bit1 when writing to port3, but I don't have it to look at at the moment.
> As for the emulators, I don't know of any which actually simulate the
> ports on the 82 properly.
> -Jeremy