A82: Return from interupt


A82: Return from interupt

I have made a little program to make sounds with the ti82. To change the noise I
use a interupt routine that slow down the calculator according a certain number.
But I encountered troubles when returning from the interupts: Whereas JP 0038h
works perfectly, EI / RETI stops the calculator. Moreover when I try the
different versions with an emulator both work fine (I've tried 3 emulators).
Perhaps the problems come from the fact that I also use D_HL_DECI?
Does anyone knows why such things happen?

I've attached the two versions and the scource code. The troubles are in the
last lines of the code (Because of a .org the program won't compile properly
with tasm instead use Assmebly studio 86).

Eric Piel

