A82: RE: Greyscale
A82: RE: Greyscale
Sounds great, I'd be very pleased to see the finished sprite routine, and
even if I'm not in desperate need of the antialiased lineroutine, plenty of
other programmers surely are.
You wrote
Actually, I started writing a standard 8x8 greyscale sprite routine last
night. It would have been finished, except I got side tracked with a
separate sprite routine I also almost finished writing. The
second routine works along the same lines as any regular sprite
function (ie. of the form, draw sprite with data at (de) at
screen coords (b,c)), except its broken up into separate modules
which individually handle aspects of the calculation. This means
that after "initialising" a sprite, the byte it starts in is
stored in mem, and is shifted accordingly, so that if you need
to draw it multiple times you don't need to constantly recalc
those things. There are also separate routines to move the
sprite in any of the four main directions by updating the
precalculated data efficiently.
Hopefully, I'll have both sprite routines done by tonight, in a reasonably
efficient form.
So far, in my unfinished gs games, all I've done is used a regular sprite
routine twice, but that's not really good enough for a release version, so
the new routines would have to be written anyway.
The other thing I might start writing soon (just thought of it on the way
to this comp. lab.) is an anti-aliased version of the line routine, using
greyscale. From what I can remember of the details of the function (I
wrote it about four months ago), it shouldn't be too much of a problem, at
little extra cost.
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