Re: A82: TxtView
Re: A82: TxtView
>Hey list. Since nothing else seems to be going on, I'm sending you
all a little demo package of my work so far. This is what's included
in the zip:
>Txt282p.exe - DOS program that converts an ascii text file to an 82p
>Txt282p.c - Source and documentation file
>TxtView.82p - CrASH program used to view files created with Txt282p
>TxtView.asm - Source and documentation file
>TxtView uses the internal menu font, which I don't particularly like,
so I may replace this in the future with my own fixed-width font. This
will make the output nicer and it'll be easier to add more features to
the program. Right now it's pretty bare-bones at 540 bytes, and the
output is kinda crappy (the word wrap cuts off characters) :(
Yeah, that sucks. On average you lose one character.
>*Note* In rare cases, a file created with Txt282p.exe will crash your
calc when viewed with TxtView. This is because there are too many
characters in a string, and I will fix this later. Use these programs
at your own risk.
Hasn't happened to me.
>If no one has anything better to do, please try these programs out
and give me a little feedback. I would really appreciate it. Thanks
The fact that I could fit the entire FrAWgGuts source onto a
calculator and still have room for a game is really cool. My only
real suggestions would be to fix word wrapping and add a PGUP and a
PGDOWN key to move through long text files. Obviously, it would be
even better if you could edit and create text files on the calculator
as well.
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