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>From: "Evil Sam" <>
>Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 18:49:10 PDT
>  I was wondering if this kind of 86 ASM code works on the 82:
>    ld a,%10000000
>    ld (ColMask),a
>    ld a,(Pov)
>Modif_Fov equ $+1
>    add a,20h
>    ld (Ray),a
>Modif_StartCol equ $+1
>    ld a,20h
>    ld (CurrCol),a
>Modif_NbCol equ $+1
>    ld a,40h
>    ld (NbCol),a
>   Sam

I wouldn't know. The only thing I know about 82 asm is what the Ash 
school taught me. Now if you had a question about what would work on the 
86 I could help you. If you have any questions I'm always here =)

-InFuZeD "Yeah, Thats me"

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