Re: A82: Re:
Re: A82: Re:
>> I was wondering if this kind of 86 ASM code works on the 82:
>> ld a,%10000000
>> ld (ColMask),a
>> ld a,(Pov)
>> Modif_Fov equ $+1
>> add a,20h
>> ld (Ray),a
>> Modif_StartCol equ $+1
>> ld a,20h
>> ld (CurrCol),a
>> Modif_NbCol equ $+1
>> ld a,40h
>> ld (NbCol),a
>> Sam
>I guess so, but replace the equ's with ='s... I'm not sure what the
point of
>all that is, but it looks like some sort of self-modifying
>thats exactly what it is, and it's pretty cool! What is that from,
Maze 3D?
I'm guessing the label "Ray" tipped it off. Clem says using this
style instead of simple "ld" command is faster, I wouldn't know. He uses
CAZ, not TASM, so I'm not sure if I have to change it completely to
simple "ld" commands or if there is a way similar to this on the 82.
I'll try equ's -> =, when I get around to porting it.
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