Re: A82: Clearing part of GraphMem


Re: A82: Clearing part of GraphMem

In a message dated 98-09-24 00:39:12 EDT, you write:

> ClearGraph:
>   ld b,64          ;do this 64 times 
>   ld hl,GRAPH_MEM  ;Copy from GRAPH_MEM
>  loop:
>   push bc          ;save bc
>   ld (hl),0        ;Clear the bytes
>   ld h,d           ;Save to GRAPH_MEM
>   ld l,e           ;Save to GRAPH_MEM
>   ld bc,8          ;Copy first 8 pixels of line
>   ldir             ;do it
>   pop bc           ;restore bc
>   ld de,12         ;load 12 to de
>   add hl,de        ;add 12 to hl
>   djnz loop        ;repeat loop if not b=0 
>   ret              ;return

that won't clear the first 8 pixels, it will clear the first 64 pixels
