Re: A82: Clearing part of GraphMem
Re: A82: Clearing part of GraphMem
>> How would I clear only part of Graph_mem? I need to clear the
first 8
>> pixels in every line.
>> Sam
>very simple. just do a 62 count loop that clears the byte pointed to
by hl
>(which will start out as GRAPH_MEM), and then add 12 to hl
I tried to do that and it didn't work. What's wrong with this:
ld b,64 ;do this 64 times
ld hl,GRAPH_MEM ;Copy from GRAPH_MEM
push bc ;save bc
ld (hl),0 ;Clear the bytes
ld h,d ;Save to GRAPH_MEM
ld l,e ;Save to GRAPH_MEM
ld bc,8 ;Copy first 8 pixels of line
ldir ;do it
pop bc ;restore bc
ld de,12 ;load 12 to de
add hl,de ;add 12 to hl
djnz loop ;repeat loop if not b=0
ret ;return
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