Re: A82: HELP!!!!
Re: A82: HELP!!!!
that, or if it freezes when you put ANY link into the calc, then it's
your port. the ti85 situation proves that. the metal contacts might be
slightly off, making a dual connection that will freeze it. my friend's
calc has that problem. i soldered half a link cable into it, allowing
SOME usability. i will be looking for a 2.5mm surface mount jack,
though. if anyone knows a good location, tell me. (RADIO SHACK does NOT
carry it)
ICQ: 9437474 AOL IM: l0rdg0at42
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On Sat, 5 Sep 1998 14:20:41 EDT writes:
>In a message dated 98-09-05 13:18:33 EDT, you write:
>> HELP!!!! has this ever happened to you?
>> I wanted to put boulderdash on my 82 and when I pluged in the
>graphlink it
>> froze!! when I took it out it unfroze!! I can't send proggies to
>my 82!!!
>> I tried it on my 85... IT WORKED PERFECTLY!!!
>> do I have to get a new calc?
>> if so I think I would get an 86... cause of the emulator :-)
>> please reply!
>well that happened to me and I had to get a new graphlink. What
>happened with
>mine was, I used it so frequently that the gold-colored plating on the
>had been worn totally off. To get it to work, I fooled around with
>position of the plug until the cursor started blinking again, then I
>carefully held it in the air and did the graphlink software. I did
>this until
>it completely stopped working, then I got a new one. It shouldn't be
>problem with your calc, and it probably shouldn't work with your 85
>(mine was
>irratic with my 92 also)
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