Re: A82: HELP!!!!


Re: A82: HELP!!!!


At 12:40 PM 9/5/98 -0400, you wrote:
>HELP!!!!  has this ever happened to you?
>I wanted to put boulderdash on my 82 and when I pluged in the graphlink it
>froze!!  when I took it out it unfroze!!  I can't send proggies to my 82!!!
>I tried it on my 85...   IT WORKED PERFECTLY!!!
>do I have to get a new calc?
>if so I think I would get an 86...  cause of the emulator :-)
>please reply!

I don't know the exact details, but sometimes plugging something into the
link port while the calculator is at the home screen or whatever can cause
it to slow down almost to the point of freezing.  Try opening the calc's
link menu before hooking it up or something.  Also, have you tried getting
things from the calc or capturing the screen?  Trying those would give you
more information.

				-Chris "Weasel" Edwards

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