Re: A82: BoulderDash Beta Testers Wanted!
Re: A82: BoulderDash Beta Testers Wanted!
>I'll beta test! Most of you don't know me but I code A86.
>How similar is A82 and A86? Thanx. I may start coding for you
>82 people out there.
The 82 and the 86 use the same processor(Z80) so there aren't many
differences. The only real difference is the display controller and
screen size. The 82 doesn't have a VIDEO_MEM so instead you have to
write to GRAPH_MEM and use ROM_CALL(DISP_GRAPH) or an equivolent routine
to display it. I'm writing some ASM lessons about how to port games from
the 85 and 86 to the 82/83. They should be availible at sometime soon.
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