Re: A82: BoulderDash Beta Testers Wanted!


Re: A82: BoulderDash Beta Testers Wanted!

>From: "Evil Sam" <>
>Subject: A82: BoulderDash Beta Testers Wanted!
>Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 13:14:23 PDT
>    I just finished BoulderDash 82! I need beta testers! It is 
>for ASH v3.1, but I'll port it to ASH v3.0 tonight.     Regarding my 
>post about multiplying DE by 3/4, is there a better way to do it than 
>this(obviously there is):
> push hl
> push af
> ld h,d
> ld l,e
> ld a,12
> call DIV_HL
> ld d,h
> ld e,l
> pop af
> pop hl
> ret
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I'll beta test! Most of you don't know me but I code A86.
How similar is A82 and A86? Thanx. I may start coding for you
82 people out there. 

- InFuZeD "SCaBBy's Programming Lackey"

-Sam Send Beta's to please-
- I also want to beta test Plain Jump 82 =)   -

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