Re: A82: Programming the Z80 by Rodney Zaks


Re: A82: Programming the Z80 by Rodney Zaks

You order the book by giving your name, addresse and credit card number to
the bookstore, and they will then send it to you (this can be done on the
net or by phone). Using the net for shopping is safe (Yes RSA was broken,
but it token a lot of people all over world like 3 month !). If you want to
you can still use the phone.

Everyone can get 128 bit encryption if they want ! The laws only say that
american companies aren't allowed to export that stuff, but everyone else in
the world can make that. Browsers like Opera ( makes
it possible for everyone to use 128 bits encryption, without registrering.

However the bookstore I mentioned seems to have sold all the copies they had
of the book after I mentioned it on A82 and A85, so you will have to find
another place to buy the book.  I posted the following to A85 a few days

> I just had a look around I have all ready found another place which sells
> the book, goto (the price £25.50 +shipping). You
> might also want to have a look at
> (a list of books
> stores on the net).

The first URL is a bookstore in Germany which has the book, you will hawever
have to get it hipped to the US. The other URL is a list of online
bookstores (which is where I found the first URL).

I think that Programming the Z80 is the best book written on Z80 assembly,
and I have not met anyone who have read it and disagrees. The book has
everything, a discription of all function, usefull routines (explained with
source code), explaintion on how the hardware works (including ints). My
university library had a lot of other books on Z80, but none of them was as
good as this. If you can not find it some of the other Z80 books are ok
(like some of the books by Lance Leventhal).


-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas J. Hruska <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, October 25, 1998 12:40 AM
Subject: Re: A82: Programming the Z80 by Rodney Zaks

>At 11:24 PM 10/24/98 EDT, you wrote:
>>In a message dated 10/21/98 2:58:19 PM, writes:
>>>As you probably know this is the best book on Z80 assembly, but it can
>>>be hard to get a hold of. If anyone is interested in buying this book you
>>>can find used copies at (just search for
>>>Programming the Z80). The books are used, but in very good conditions,
>>and they sell for $12.
>>Hey, I found the book at that place you were talking about, and I want to
>>it, since you recommend it... Reading tutorials and source code can only
>go so
>>far, so I would like to get my hands on this book... Now how would I go
>>that? I've never bought anything off the internet, especially a book... :\
>>Hmm, I guess it pays through a Credit Card right? Thats not very safe over
>>net. How else could I get this great book? =P
>> --Jason K.
>I would like to point out that it IS quite safe to send credit card
>information across the internet on the https protocol.  Current government
>restrictions on encryption exportation require the browser to be 64-bit
>maximum encryption unless your name and other info. is added to a database
>of users who use "strong" 128-bit encryption inside the U.S. (Why in the
>world Netscape Communcations calls it "strong" is beyond is _still_
>breakable).  I would also like to take the pleasure in pointing out that
>you are also an AOL user.  We all know what that means and I don't need to
>expand ;)
>So, using a credit card across the internet is quite safe and I've done it
>a number of times myself.  Just make sure you have a SSL capable browser
>such as Netscape Communicator 4.5 when you send the credit card info. to
>the server.
>                 Thomas J. Hruska --
>Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"