A82: another mucho-intelligent question.. hehe


A82: another mucho-intelligent question.. hehe

	k, I know this probably wont work.. heres my problem... 
My map is animated, quite nicely.. but when the character moves around the
screen.. it pauses the animation (cause the calc is computing, id assume).
Is there any way to get around this.. i was thinking interrupts.. but, i
dont think thatd work since both would just be tampering with the same
section of memory. i could slow down the characters movement a bunch, but
im still not completely sure that would work either. Or i could imbed the
aninmation routine, somehow, into the movement one. Any suggestions? im
fresh out of ideas myself.. cept those, which are blah- not fun to do. As
usual the answer is probably very simple heheh

"madeleine would feel their sorrow
she only wanted friends
but the lady's doomed to wander till the very end"