Re: A82: Creating a VAR (the ROM_CALL)
Re: A82: Creating a VAR (the ROM_CALL)
>Yes, I know how they work, but I wont tell !!!!!!!
>The problem is that I need my computer before I can send you the
>information, but it works in the same way as on the TI85. I have not
>this function for a while, but as far as I remember you do something
>Load OP1 with var information
>LD HL with length+2
>call function
>Get first word of var to length.
>A pointer to the VAT entry is returned in HL
>A pointer to the var is returned in DE
>Carry is set if the var could not my created.
So why won't this basic code work?
ld hl,game
call $1A88
ld hl, 260
jp $22E0
.db "PJLVLSAM",0
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