Re: A82: Ash 3.1
Re: A82: Ash 3.1
when you deem it to be a good shell release, that's when it should be
public. as for now, let the beta testers handle it... or else you'll be
flooded with newbies emailing you and cursing your shell. ash needs to
gain its support back, and releasing buggy versions will not help win
people back.
On Wed, 25 Nov 1998 00:01:25 -0500 "Dines Justesen"
<> writes:
>The only reason I called it 2.00001 was that very litle have changed,
>released it will be ASh 3.1 beta 3. I guess I wont release it until I
>fixed the problems then.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Kouri R <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 1998 10:39 PM
>Subject: Re: A82: Ash 3.1
>>Release it to who? The old beta testers or ticalc and/or ti-files?
>Adamman said, just wait for people to e-mail you for a copy. I
>wouldn't make
>it public. Btw, beta 2.00001 is kind of a long name, isn't it? Why not
>beta 2.1? :)
>>On Tue, 24 Nov 1998 21:49:14 Dines Justesen wrote:
>>>I have not had any time at all to work on Ash 3.1 since I got to
>>>All the files are installed on my HD, and the GraphLink is
>connected, so I
>>>just need some time. I was thinking of releasing Ash 3.1 beta
>2.00001, so
>>>that anyone who wants can use that until I get Ash 3.1 finished. The
>>>thing which does not work is CrASH games which relocates them self,
>>>there is a small bug which means you sometimes have to exit Ash
>>>not yet decided whether releasing the beta would be a good, what do
>>>think ?
>>>Dines Justesen
>>>Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332
>>>WWW :
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