A82: Ash 3.1
A82: Ash 3.1
I have not had any time at all to work on Ash 3.1 since I got to Atlanta.
All the files are installed on my HD, and the GraphLink is connected, so I
just need some time. I was thinking of releasing Ash 3.1 beta 2.00001, so
that anyone who wants can use that until I get Ash 3.1 finished. The only
thing which does not work is CrASH games which relocates them self, and
there is a small bug which means you sometimes have to exit Ash twice.I have
not yet decided whether releasing the beta would be a good, what do you
think ?
Dines Justesen
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332
Email: gt7087b@prism.gatech.edu
WWW : http://www.student.dtu.dk/~c958362/