Re: A82: Ash 3.1 update


Re: A82: Ash 3.1 update

How's Ash 3.1 Beta 3 coming?

Bryan Rabeler <>
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On Wed, 7 Oct 1998, Dines Christy Justesen wrote:

> The reason that nothing seems to have happen since I released Ash 3.1 beta
> 2 is that I have moved from Denmark to Atlanta, GA (Georgia Tech). Moving
> from DK to US has taken a lot of my time, and I have had to sell my
> computer. Without a computer I am ofcorse not able to work on Ash. I have
> ordered a new computer which was shipped yesterday, so I should get it
> friday. As soon as I get my computer I will start working on Ash again.
> After having released Ash 3.1 beta 2 I have been working on a beta 3, and
> everything seems to be working except for on small thing. Some times you
> have to press enter twice when you want to start Ash, and once in a while
> when you exit Ash, you have to exit twice. Besides that everythingshould
> be working. All test done on VAR function, build in functions etc. show
> that everything else works. 
> As I could not bring all my email from DK, I do no longer have a list of
> beta testers for Ash, so when a new beta version is released everyone who
> wants it will have to email me.. 
> Dines
> __________________________________________
> Dines Justesen
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