Re: A82: Dr. Mario


Re: A82: Dr. Mario

At 07:57 PM 5/29/98 PDT, you wrote:
>Give me credit if i fix it.  I will also 
>port it to other calcs cause i got the 
>emulator.  If that is ok with you i am 
>willing to put the time into it.  

>If anyone is interested in helping, please let me know.  I have a rather long
>section of code that I believe the bug is in, which is why I don't want to
>post it to the list.
>Thank you anyone who helps, if you want to see Dr. Mario in the near future
>then I suggest you email me!!!!!!!!!!!

ADAMMAN, I have a better offer:  I'll take a look at just the buggy section
(just give me the inputs and what you want to be output from that section
and I'll attempt to fix it) and you DON'T need to give me credit (it would
be nice, but I won't demand it from you).  However, I won't be able to port
it...I'll leave it up to you to do that if you want to.

                 Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
