A82: Re: more stupid questions


A82: Re: more stupid questions

>Question 1:beginning to program
>what is a good assembly compiler for Win95 so that I can start
>(not that I know how but I'll figure it out).  I want to program on my
>computer (obviously) and only send things to the calc when they are all
>and work (probably the way all of you "professionals" do it).  If anyone
>any files on how to program assembly on the 82 (I use CrASH as an OS and
>ROM 19.0) please tell me.  I have all the files about 85 programming, but
>don't want to confuse myself with the wrong ROM calls.

Try the Ash School (http://www.gbar.dtu.dk/~c958362/ash/school/), and the
text files found  at http://www.gbar.dtu.dk/~c958362/ash/.
>Question 2:ACCELERATED 82s
>I accelerated my 82 by replacing C7 with a 15pf cap.  Now my calc is very
>unstable and it takes a few 'turn-on/turn-off/turn-on' s to turn it on.
>Graphing also gets messy when I use the Draw functions.  Do I need to
trim the
>legs of the cap, or possibly install a bleed resistor(and of what size)?
>do i need to go up to a 16pf cap?  

When you accelerate the TI82 the delays between writes to the display
controller gets to short at the display will look messy. The routines in
the ROM are soslow that it normally is not a problem, but most asm
programs wont work. So the best thing to do is not to turbo your calc.



Dines Justesen
Email: dines@post1.com or
WWW  : http://www.gbar.dtu.dk/~c958362/