Re: A82: Pic addresses
Re: A82: Pic addresses
If you look at how the variables are handled on the TI82 you will see that
some variable are always present in the mem (created when you reset your
calc). So some vars exists in the RAM even when they are not created. To
find the vars just use the build in ROM CALL, instead of scanning the VAT.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Eriksson/2GooD Productions <>
To: <>
Date: 20. maj 1998 23:02
Subject: Re: A82: Pic addresses
>At 22:31 1998-05-20 +0200, you wrote:
>> I'd like to know the address of PIC5 and PIC6.
>>I want to use them to store many things....
>Unless they are created they don't exist at all. They are variables and
have no fixed locations. You'll have to scan the VAT to find them.
> -/- David Eriksson -/-
>2 G o o D P r o d u c t i o n s ->
Dines Justesen
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