Re: A82: Beginner-ish Q's
Re: A82: Beginner-ish Q's
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On Tue, 19 May 1998 22:25:15 -0400 (Larry G Currie)
> 1. I'm writing an asm program (finally :-) ) but this problem stumps
>me. I want to ONLY change the CURSOR_Y value, leaving CURSOR_X at 0.
>I can't do this with hl(that I know of) because it is 16bit and would
>set CURSOR_X and CURSOR_Y to the new val of hl. how do I do it so that
>Titletxt2 is displayed n units below Titletxt1?
>Invalid code:
> ld hl,0 ;ld hl,$0000
> ld (CURSOR_Y),hl ;ld (GRAF_CURS),hl
> ld (CURSOR_X),hl ;not needed
> ld hl,Titletxt1
> ld a,19
> ld (CURSOR_Y),a
> ld a,Titletxt2 ;how 'bout ld hl,Titletxt2
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