Re: A82: (and some SQRXZ stuff)


Re: A82: (and some SQRXZ stuff)

At 06:53 PM 5/18/98 PDT, you wrote:
>Now (since I helped you out), get this SQRXZ 82 beta 2
>>guy off my case.  
>Don't worry, I'm still releasing SQRXZ 82 anyway, no
>>matter what everyone says.  This guy doesn't have the advantages that 
>>version has...except his is a working, tested port and mine isn't.
>    Hey, competition is always good. It means better games. If your 
>version is as good as you hope, then I'll definitely play it over the 
>current one. But maybe you should change your "all on my own" policy and 
>borrow the jumping routine, title screen, and external level routine to 
>save time. 

You know I have the right to make a program all my own if I want to.  I
like to see just one person in the credits:  me.  Not that I'm stuck up or
anything, I just like to say, "yeah, I made this all by myself."  It's also
an integrity thing.  I'm an individualistic type of person and borrowing
from other people is plagarism.  So, I build all of my programs on my own.

BTW, the jumping routine for the ported SQRXZ is completely incompatible
with my routine which is done (minus the seperate scrolling routine).  The
problem is the gravity routine (does the opposite of jumping...if you
couldn't tell) for the SQRXZ character.  So, it wouldn't save time.

>it. You are just pissed because Florent Dhordain got a working SQRXZ 
>before you. It is fine, but it is the truth.

True, I'm ticked off a bit.  However, I deserved the alert that I am taking
too long to make my program.  I just want this A.I. engine to be error free
when I first run it.  2000 lines of untested code is nothing to sneeze at.
>   Enough with that. On another subject, have you looked into correcting 
>the Galaxian Autofire Bug yet?

Nope.  I'm still recovering (GPA-wise) from extra-curricular overload.
I'll take the source with me to school tomorrow to see what I can do with it.

                 Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
