Re: A82: 83 rom image


Re: A82: 83 rom image

screw copyright.

there's a folder w/ them.


On Mon, 18 May 1998 23:33:32 EDT Cw9000 <> writes:
>oh whoops     after careful thinking   a couple seconds after I sent 
>previous message    I thought....ah  the reason no one   has it online 
>  might
>be because    all that copyright  stuff (crap)
>not that I'm a big time pirater or anything....but I don't see what 
>difference is, when I could get it from one of my friend's calcs
>Well, thats  just my babbling opinions....oh well,  guess I might just 
>have to
>resort to stupidly asking one of my friends at school if I could 
>borrow their
>calculator.             thanks anyway
>------   CW  -------

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