Re: A82: Zelda 83
Re: A82: Zelda 83
>even i figured this one out when i first started playing with emus...
>people have already gotten the games on their pc/mac. they then offer
>them to other people. you may download it at almost any emu site, but
>fave is:
>sure, it's in Spain, and i take Italian, but remember.... Gameboy is
>same in Spanish... click on the link, then follow the ensuing links.
>bookmark good sites. visit them often. visit sponsors to keep these
>things alive. kill all lawyers to keep the programmers out of jail.
>delete the rom in 24 hours if you don't own it. no one follows that
>except a friend of mine with one hell of a conscience...
>have fun with the games, and try to sleep once in a while.
>another off-topic post: who has tried MarioRPG (jap) on ZSNES/SNES9x?
>crashes, right?
Never tried it. The SNES emulators are pretty bad. I couldn't get
most of my favorite RPGs to work. But I did download Final Fantasy
5(jap), and then downloaded the translation from the unofficial Square
page. It was very cool.
The NES emulators are much better. My favorite game for it is
BaseWars. Its like Baseball meets Mortal Kombat, but you can earn money
and customize your players because they are robots.
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