CalcEm problems (Was Re: A82: SQRXZ 83 PORT IT!!!!!!!!!!!)
CalcEm problems (Was Re: A82: SQRXZ 83 PORT IT!!!!!!!!!!!)
At 21:10 1998-05-15 -0400, you wrote:
>i prefer using the calcem (i'd like some 85/6 support on that...) _BUT_
>when i do the "Waiting..." thing then F12 to send any prog, it gives
>error in xmit, and freezes... with all the roms. perhaps it's the prog
>file format... the 82 files are fine when loading to the 82... go fig.
I'll check out this problem. Exactly what files did you load into what version of CalcEm?
-/- David Eriksson -/-
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